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Can't Get It Outta My Head
A Baby Boomer
Muses on The Music
Scoring the Soundtrack of Our Teens
Like a lot of the members of my generation, Motown music made up much of the soundtrack of my teenage years. We remember the names of the...
R.I.P., Seeker Songstress
Pop Quiz: Who was the first Australian band to make it big in the U.K., U.S. and elsewhere other than Down Under? If you said the Bee...
Their Words Get in the Way
Struggling Weekly, Feb. 20, 2014 One of my favorite Christmas-stocking-stuffer gifts last year was a small book, “Dave Barry’s Book of...
Mendes and Brasil, 60 Years on
Contrary to the title of this blog, there are times when I wonder how music gets INTO my head. Case in point being the Sergio Mendes &...
The DeVille that Didn’t Sell
Awhile back, on his excellent “Buried Treasure” show on SiriusXM’s Deep Tracks, I heard Tom Petty play a song by Mink DeVille. Which...
What the Hall?
I haven’t blogged about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for several years, having been put off my feed my by some of dumb choices made by...
A Hell of a Bat
Suppose you were to meet the artist who recorded Bat Out of Hell, one of the best-selling albums of all time. How would you address him —...
A Belated ‘So Long’ to the Gypsy Songman
Somehow I missed it, but Ronald Clyde Crosby died a year ago in October. Had I known, I would have blogged about him then. Name not...
Past the Threshold of an Edge
Graeme Edge left the planet two and a half weeks ago. Even a diehard fan of The Music might not recognize his name. But if you were a...
Joni’s Guys
The soundtrack for our campfire the Sunday before last was an iMusic shuffle of the four Joni Mitchell albums I have in the library. It...
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