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Can't Get It Outta My Head
A Baby Boomer
Muses on The Music
Tribute to a Texas Troubadour
It’s not unusual for there to be a song stuck in my head for days, where that temporal tape recorder keeps running the same loop. But...
We Lost a Planet Airman
Another notable musician left the stage last week, without doing an encore. George Frayne IV left the planet Sept. 26 in Saratoga...
‘Hell’ Flowed Over, Too
The other night, I found myself watching Hell Freezes Over, the 1994 reunion of the Eagles, for the second time in a few weeks. Why view...
An ‘Echo’ of the Soundtrack of My Life
Listening, as I often do, to the Sirius XM satellite radio channel Deep Tracks, I heard of the motion picture “documentary” Echo in the...
How Incredible Were They?
If you were to join me for one of my summer-evening, music listening sessions on the back deck, there are some musicians you are likely...
R.I.P. Dusty, Happy BD MTV
Sometimes events line up in a way that makes you wonder if there isn’t some larger plan. Two weeks ago had that feel, when, within days...
Who’s Better than the Beatles Solo?
Part Three (Continuing last month’s post about whether there was another rock and roll band whose members enjoyed as much success as solo...
Who’s Better than the Beatles Solo?
Part Two (Continuing last week’s post considering whether there was another rock and roll band whose members enjoyed as much success as...
Who’s Better than the Beatles Solo?
Part One A couple weeks ago, my wife set the theme for this two-part blog post on a tee. We were driving back from vacation, listening to...
Fifty Years Old, but Still Pure
Jeanne and I were returning from vacation recently, listening to The Bridge on Sirius XM, when a song by Pure Prairie League came on....
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